Precise coatings, All the Time
…That’s what you want. And now with a Firescribe, you’ve been given full control over your material heating and evaporation with simple repeatability, and without the massive learning curve.
work this in: (Firescribe is an elegant solution to a difficult problem. For your process, you need a simple interface that makes control and repeatability easy, but you also need powerful tools for highly customized patterns. Firescribe is your answer.
Use Firescribe software to customize up to 32 unique patterns and store them in your Firescribe unit. Then recall patterns from the front panel with a press of a button, via a D-sub connector on the rear panel, or with an EtherCAT interface.
With a Firescribe, you’ve been given full control over your material heating and evaporation with simple repeatability, and without the massive learning curve. )